Friday, May 3, 2013

Safari #75: Top of the Hub

With the tragic events of late, I've never been more proud to call Boston home. Long walks through the Common, Public Garden, and down along Boylston Street have reminded me that this city and the fact that we are able to live here is a gift unto itself.

I found myself longing to look upon my home, and this past week, I went to Top of the Hub for the first time. It seemed fitting, and I felt at peace looking upon Boston at sunset.

If you have never been, consider it a prescription. To make an easy visit, simply opt for a seat at the bar, enjoy a beverage, and strike up a conversation with a fellow Bostonian or out of town visitor.

We should all share this gift together.  

*Special thanks to Anshul for spending the moment with the me and making the trip possible.