Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Safari #51: How Sweet It Is

Maple syrup reminds me of two things - the arrival of spring and Buddy the Elf.

This year, thanks to warmer temperatures, local and regional farms have started the syruping process earlier than usual. I recently visited Natick Community Organic Farm in Natick, MA to learn more about making maple syrup.

Did you know that early Native Americans made syrup? Our tour included demonstrations of how Native Americans and early colonial settlers made maple syrup.  

We also had an overview of the sap gathering process (pictured left).  The tour ended at the farm's very own maple shack where the sap was boiled. Billowing maple scented steam filled the shack and our nostrils.

 I couldn't help but long for a short stack.  Mmmm.

My tips:
  • Be a Sweetie - Buy local maple syrup this season and support your local maple producers. The spring is a great time to take a road trip and visit a farm. 
  • Check out Natick Community Organic Farm - Syruping events take place through the month of March and cost $6. If you can't make it for syrup related events, try visiting the farm during the growing season, buy farm fresh food, and visit the animals (cows, sheep, goats, and BUNNIES).

What do you like to put maple syrup on?